Luenell: False Accusers Should Get Double the Prison Time of Their Victims (Part 11)

Part 10: Part 1: ——- In this clip, Luenell and Vlad speak on Chris Brown’s latest arrest in Paris, of which no charges were filed and the singer is now suing his accuser for defamation. In respect to what the consequences should be for those who make false allegations, Luenell believes that they […]

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Buzzfeed Defends False Rape Accusers

Buzzfeed has run two stories seemingly defending women who falsely accuse men of rape even when there is clear evidence the accusation was false. False Accusations can have devastating affects on people’s lives, they can lose jobs, friends, or even go to prison for decades. SUPPORT JOURNALISM. Become a patron at My Second Channel […]

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A Sampling of Fake Victims and False Accusers Talking to the Media

Fake victims come in all varieties. It can happen for fame, fortune, revenge or to fit-in. Some are pathological liars w/ pseudologia fantastica (“representing certain fantasies as real occurrences.”) Here is a sampling of proven and admitted fake victims speaking to the media. This includes a fake survivor of the 9/11 attacks, a fake terminal […]

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